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Programme updates are the highlight of the mid-year Advisory Council briefing

15 juillet, 2009
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Crédit photo : Interpeace

Interpeace Conseil consultatif representatives from Geneva based donor governments and UN Agencies attended the mid-year briefing at the United Nations Palais des Nations, Geneva, 15 July 2009.

The launch of the newest peacebuilding initiative – 'Cyprus 2015', an update on the Interpeace programme to address regional youth issues in Latin America with the signing of the MoU with the Central American Integration System (SICA), and the latest on the Peace Mapping Study from the Somali Region were the highlights.

Scott M. Weber, Director-General, Interpeace, led the presentation of the findings from the Peace Mapping Study. Supported by a film from the field, the issues around representation, interim security arrangements, transitional justice and local and regional governance were the focus of the presentation. Read the complete study.

The event was chaired by France and the next Advisory Council Briefing will take place at the end of the year.